Applicability of Laws Governing Administrative Orders and Rules; Venue; Emergency Rulemaking Authority

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Sec. 105. Except as otherwise provided, IC 4-21.5-3 governs any action taken by the department under this chapter or IC 24-4.4-2-401 through IC 24-4.4-2-405. IC 4-22-2 applies to the adoption of rules by the department under this article. All proceedings for administrative review under IC 4-21.5-3 or judicial review under IC 4-21.5-5 shall be held in Marion County. However, if the department determines that an emergency exists, the department may adopt any rules authorized by this article under IC 4-22-2-37.1.

As added by P.L.145-2008, SEC.20. Amended by P.L.35-2010, SEC.32.

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