Powers of Director

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Sec. 104.5. To carry out the purposes of this section, the director may:

(a) retain attorneys, accountants, or other professionals and specialists as examiners, auditors, or investigators to conduct or assist in the conduct of examinations or investigations;

(b) enter into agreements or relationships with other government officials or regulatory associations in order to improve efficiencies and reduce regulatory burden by sharing:

(i) resources;

(ii) standardized or uniform methods or procedures; and

(iii) documents, records, information, or evidence obtained under this section;

(c) use, hire, contract, or employ public or privately available analytical systems, methods, or software to examine or investigate a licensee, an individual, or a person subject to this article;

(d) accept and rely on examination or investigation reports made by other government officials within or outside Indiana; and

(e) accept audit reports made by an independent certified public accountant for the licensee, individual, or person subject to this article in the course of that part of the examination covering the same general subject matter as the audit and may incorporate the audit report in the report of the examination, report of investigation, or other writing of the director.

As added by P.L.35-2010, SEC.30.

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