Class Actions

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Sec. 2. (a) A person who is entitled to bring an action on the person's own behalf under section 1 of this chapter may bring a class action on behalf of any class of persons of which the person is a member and that has been damaged by the pyramid promotional scheme, subject to and under the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure governing class actions.

(b) The court may award reasonable attorney's fees to the party that prevails in a class action under this section. The attorney's fees must be determined by the amount of time reasonably expended by the attorney and not by the amount of the judgment. The court, however, may consider awarding a contingency fee.

(c) Any money or other property recovered in a class action under this section that cannot, with due diligence, be restored to the members of the class within one (1) year after the final judgment must be returned to the abandoned property fund under IC 32-34-1.5-42.

(d) Actual damages awarded to a class have priority over any civil penalty imposed under this article.

As added by P.L.105-2017, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.141-2021, SEC.10.

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