Maximum Damages Under Private Cause of Action; Discretionary Treble Damages; Attorney's Fees

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Sec. 1. (a) A person may bring an action against a person who establishes, operates, promotes, or assists another to promote a pyramid promotional scheme for:

(1) the damages actually suffered as a result of the pyramid promotional scheme; or

(2) one thousand dollars ($1,000);

whichever is greater.

(b) The court may increase damages awarded under this section in an amount that does not exceed:

(1) three (3) times the actual damages of the person suffering the loss; or

(2) three thousand dollars ($3,000).

(c) The court may award reasonable attorney's fees to a party that prevails in an action under this section.

(d) Actual damages awarded to a person have priority over any civil penalty imposed under this article.

As added by P.L.105-2017, SEC.3.

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