Limited Liability Partnerships; Amendment of Registration

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Sec. 45.1. (a) As used in this section, “limited liability partnership” refers to a:

(1) limited liability partnership; or

(2) foreign limited liability partnership;

as defined in section 2 of this chapter.

(b) The registration of a limited liability partnership may be amended by filing in the office of the secretary of state a certificate of amendment executed by at least one (1) partner authorized to execute an amendment to the registration.

(c) A certificate of amendment must contain the following:

(1) The name of the limited liability partnership.

(2) The date the registration was filed.

(3) The amendment to the registration.

(d) A certificate of amendment must be accompanied by a thirty dollar ($30) filing fee.

(e) Subject to subsection (f), the registration of a limited liability partnership may be amended at any time.

(f) An amended registration must contain only provisions that may be lawfully contained in the registration when the amendment is made.

As added by P.L.34-1997, SEC.9.

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