Withdrawal of Member; Companies Existing on or Before June 30, 1999

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Sec. 6. (a) Unless otherwise provided in a written operating agreement, a limited liability company existing under this article on or before June 30, 1999, is governed by this section.

(b) Unless a written operating agreement provides that a member does not have the power to withdraw by voluntary act from a limited liability company, the member may do so at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other members or other notice required under the operating agreement. If the member has the power to withdraw but the withdrawal is a breach of the operating agreement, or the withdrawal occurs as a result of otherwise wrongful conduct of the member, the limited liability company may recover from the withdrawing member damages for breach of the operating agreement, including the reasonable cost of obtaining the replacement of services that the withdrawn member was obligated to perform. The limited liability company may offset the damages against amounts otherwise distributable to the withdrawn member, in addition to pursuing any remedies provided for in the operating agreement or available under applicable law.

(c) Unless otherwise provided in a written operating agreement, in the case of a limited liability company for a definite term or particular undertaking, a withdrawal by a member before the expiration of the term is a breach of the operating agreement.

As added by P.L.8-1993, SEC.301. Amended by P.L.269-1999, SEC.12.

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