Assignee Membership; Companies Formed After June 30, 1999

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Sec. 4.1. (a) A limited liability company formed under this article after June 30, 1999, is governed by this section.

(b) Except as otherwise provided in a written operating agreement, if a limited liability company has at least two (2) members, an assignee of an interest may become a member only if the other members unanimously consent. The consent of a member may be evidenced in any manner specified in writing in an operating agreement, but in the absence of a specification, consent must be evidenced by a written instrument, dated and signed by the member. If a limited liability company has one (1) member, an assignee of an interest may become a member in accordance with the terms of an agreement between the assignor and the assignee.

(c) An assignee who becomes a member:

(1) has, to the extent assigned, the rights and powers and is subject to the restrictions and liabilities of a member under the articles of organization, any operating agreement, and this article; and

(2) is liable for any obligations of the member's assignor for unpaid contributions under IC 23-18-5-1 or for any wrongful distributions under IC 23-18-5-7.

However, the assignee is not obligated for liabilities of which the assignee had no knowledge at the time the assignee became a member and that could not be ascertained from a written operating agreement.

(d) Whether or not an assignee of an interest becomes a member, the assignor is not released from the assignor's liability to the limited liability company for unpaid contributions under IC 23-18-5-1 or for any wrongful distributions under IC 23-18-5-7 that are solely a result of the assignment.

(e) Unless otherwise provided in a written operating agreement, a member who assigns the member's entire interest in the limited liability company ceases to be a member or to have the power to exercise any rights of a member.

As added by P.L.269-1999, SEC.10.

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