Application Fees; Fireworks Manufacturer, Distributor, Wholesaler, or Importer Permit; Fireworks Retail Stand Permit

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Sec. 8. (a) The application fee for a fireworks manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, or importer permit issued under IC 22-11-14-5 shall be set by rules adopted by the commission under IC 4-22-2.

(b) The application fee for a fireworks retail stand permit issued under IC 22-11-14-7 shall be set by rules adopted by the commission under IC 4-22-2. The rules must exempt a nonprofit corporation incorporated under IC 23-7-1.1 (before its repeal on August 1, 1991) or IC 23-17 from the fee.

(c) The fees set for applications under this section must be sufficient to pay all the direct and indirect costs of processing an application for which the fee is set. In setting the fees, the commission may consider differences in the degree or complexity of the activity being performed for each fee.

As added by P.L.245-1987, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.38-1990, SEC.4; P.L.179-1991, SEC.25; P.L.1-1992, SEC.113.

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