Fee Schedules; Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission

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Sec. 6. (a) The commission may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 setting a fee schedule for the following:

(1) Fireworks display permits issued under IC 22-11-14-2.

(2) Explosives magazine permits issued under IC 35-47.5-4.

(3) Design releases issued under IC 22-15-3 and IC 22-15-3.2.

(4) Certification of industrialized building systems and mobile structures under IC 22-15-4.

(5) Inspection of regulated amusement devices under IC 22-15-7.

(6) Application fees for variance requests under IC 22-13-2-11 and inspection fees for exemptions under IC 22-13-4-5.

(7) Except as provided in section 6.5 of this chapter, permitting and inspection of regulated lifting devices under IC 22-15-5.

(8) Permitting and inspection of regulated boiler and pressure vessels under IC 22-15-6.

(9) Licensing of boiler and pressure vessel inspectors under IC 22-15-6-5.

(10) Licensing of elevator contractors, elevator inspectors, and elevator mechanics under IC 22-15-5-6 through IC 22-15-5-16.

(b) Fee schedules set under this section must be sufficient to pay all of the costs, direct and indirect, that are payable from the fund into which the fee must be deposited, after deducting other money deposited in the fund. In setting these fee schedules, the commission may consider differences in the degree or complexity of the activity being performed for each fee.

(c) The fee schedule set for design releases issued under subsection (a)(3) may not be changed more than one (1) time each year. The commission may include in this fee schedule a fee for the review of plans and specifications and, if a political subdivision does not have a program to periodically inspect the construction covered by the design release, a fee for inspecting the construction.

(d) The fee schedule set under subsection (a) for design releases may provide that a portion of the fees collected shall be deposited in the statewide fire and building safety education fund established under section 3 of this chapter.

As added by P.L.245-1987, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.222-1989, SEC.9; P.L.119-2002, SEC.6; P.L.123-2002, SEC.26; P.L.1-2003, SEC.71; P.L.218-2014, SEC.6; P.L.171-2019, SEC.3; P.L.211-2019, SEC.29; P.L.230-2019, SEC.1.

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