Acceptance Inspection Fee

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Sec. 6.5. (a) The commission may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to set fees for a permit issued under IC 22-15-5-4(c) if the acceptance inspection of the regulated lifting device required by IC 22-15-5-4(c)(1)(A) is conducted by an inspector who is not employed by the department.

(b) A fee under subsection (a) must be a lesser fee than that set under section 6(a)(7) of this chapter.

(c) When determining a fee under subsection (a), the commission shall consider any savings the department will experience as a result of a permit applicant using an inspector who is not employed by the department, including savings related to department inspector salaries, travel, and administrative costs.

As added by P.L.230-2019, SEC.2.

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