Transfer of Powers and Duties

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Sec. 9. (a) On July 1, 2019, all powers, duties, agreements, and liabilities of the boiler and pressure vessel rules board are transferred to the commission, as the successor agency.

(b) On July 1, 2019, all records and property of the boiler and pressure vessel rules board, including appropriations and other funds under the control or supervision of the boiler and pressure vessel rules board, are transferred to the commission, as the successor agency.

(c) After June 30, 2019, any amounts owed to the boiler and pressure vessel rules board before July 1, 2019, are considered to be owed to the commission as the successor agency.

(d) After June 30, 2019, a reference to the boiler and pressure vessel rules board in a statute, rule, or other document is considered a reference to the commission, as the successor agency.

(e) Proceedings pending before the boiler and pressure vessel rules board on July 1, 2019, shall be transferred from the boiler and pressure vessel rules board to the commission and treated as if initiated by the commission.

(f) A license or permit issued by the boiler and pressure vessel rules board before July 1, 2019, shall be treated after June 30, 2019, as a certification issued by the commission.

(g) The rules adopted by the boiler and pressure vessel rules board before July 1, 2019, concerning the boiler and pressure vessel industry are considered, after June 30, 2019, rules of the commission.

As added by P.L.249-2019, SEC.15.

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