"Motor Carrier Safety Improvement"

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Sec. 2. (a) As used in this section, "motor carrier safety improvement" means any device, equipment, software, technology, procedure, training, policy, program, or operational practice intended and primarily used to improve or facilitate:

(1) compliance with traffic safety or motor carrier safety laws;

(2) safety of a motor vehicle;

(3) safety of the operator of a motor vehicle; or

(4) safety of third party users of a public highway (as defined in IC 8-2.1-17-14).

(b) The deployment, implementation, or use of a motor carrier safety improvement by, or as required by, a motor carrier or its related entity, including by a contract, shall not be considered when evaluating an individual's status as an employee, independent contractor, or jointly employed employee under any state law.

As added by P.L.47-2020, SEC.1.

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