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Sec. 2. The following definitions apply throughout this chapter:

(1) "Marketplace contractor" means a person or an organization, including an individual, a corporation, a limited liability company, a partnership, a sole proprietor, or other entity, that enters into an agreement with a marketplace platform to provide services to third party individuals or entities seeking those services. The term does not include a person or organization when the services performed by the person or organization consist of transporting freight, sealed and closed envelopes, boxes, parcels, or other sealed and closed containers for compensation.

(2) "Marketplace platform" means an organization, including a corporation, a limited liability company, a partnership, a sole proprietor, or other entity, that:

(A) operates an Internet web site or smartphone application that facilitates the provision of services by marketplace contractors to individuals or entities seeking the services;

(B) accepts service requests from the public only through the organization's Internet web site or smartphone application and does not accept service requests by telephone, facsimile, or in person at a retail location; and

(C) does not perform services at or from a physical location in Indiana.

As added by P.L.82-2018, SEC.1.

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