Application of Chapter

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Sec. 1. This chapter does not apply to the following:

(1) Service performed in the employ of the state, a political subdivision, an Indian tribe, or an instrumentality of the state, a political subdivision, or an Indian tribe if the service is excluded from employment as defined in the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (26 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.).

(2) Service performed in the employ of a religious, charitable, educational, or other organization that is excluded from employment as defined in the Federal Unemployment Tax Act.

(3) Service consisting of passenger transport provided in connection with technology offered by a transportation network company (as defined in IC 8-2.1-17-18). Such service is governed by IC 8-2.1-19.1.

(4) Service related to a referral by a hiring hall maintained by a labor organization.

(5) Service provided for:

(A) a public works project of the state or a political subdivision; or

(B) the erection, construction, alteration, structural repair, or structural improvement of a building, structure, or other improvement on land, excluding a single family dwelling or a single unit of a multi-family dwelling.

As added by P.L.82-2018, SEC.1.

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