Consumer Notice; Criminal History Check

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Sec. 13. (a) A placement agency:

(1) must provide a consumer with a consumer notice each time a home care services worker is placed in the home of the consumer; and

(2) is not required to provide a consumer notice when a new or different home care services worker is substituting for the regular home care services worker placed with the consumer.

(b) Before a placement agency places a home care services worker with a consumer, the home care services worker must provide the placement agency with a copy of the individual's:

(1) limited criminal history from the central repository for criminal history information under IC 10-13-3; or

(2) expanded criminal history check, as defined in IC 20-26-2-1.5, subject to the conditions described in IC 16-27-2-4(c).

The home care services worker is responsible for the fees required under IC 10-13-3-30 or the cost of an expanded criminal history check and must annually obtain an updated limited criminal history or expanded criminal history check. A copy of the home care services worker's limited criminal history or expanded criminal history check must be made available to the consumer.

As added by P.L.212-2005, SEC.19. Amended by P.L.133-2018, SEC.4.

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