Information Sharing Concerning Construction Workers Misclassified as Independent Contractors

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Sec. 22. (a) This section applies after December 31, 2009.

(b) As used in this section, "contractor" means:

(1) a sole proprietor;

(2) a partnership;

(3) a firm;

(4) a corporation;

(5) a limited liability company;

(6) an association; or

(7) another legal entity;

that engages in construction and is authorized by law to do business in Indiana. The term includes a general contractor, a subcontractor, and a lower tiered contractor. The term does not include the state, the federal government, or a political subdivision.

(c) The department of labor shall cooperate with the:

(1) department of workforce development established by IC 22-4.1-2-1;

(2) department of state revenue established by IC 6-8.1-2-1; and

(3) worker's compensation board of Indiana created by IC 22-3-1-1(a);

by sharing information concerning any suspected improper classification by a contractor of an individual as an independent contractor (as defined in IC 22-3-6-1(b)(7) or IC 22-3-7-9(b)(5)).

(d) For purposes of IC 5-14-3-4, information shared under this section is confidential, may not be published, and is not open to public inspection.

(e) An officer or employee of the department of labor who knowingly or intentionally discloses information that is confidential under this section commits a Class A misdemeanor.

As added by P.L.164-2009, SEC.2.

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