Commissioner of Labor; Powers and Duties

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Sec. 11. The commissioner of labor is authorized and directed to do the following:

(1) To investigate and adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 prescribing what safety devices, safeguards, or other means of protection shall be adopted for the prevention of accidents in every employment or place of employment, to determine what suitable devices, safeguards, or other means of protection for the prevention of industrial accidents or occupational diseases shall be adopted or followed in any or all employments or places of employment, and to adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 applicable to either employers or employees, or both for the prevention of accidents and the prevention of industrial or occupational diseases.

(2) Annually forward the report received from the mining board under IC 22-10-1.5-5(a)(5) to the legislative council in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6 and request from the general assembly funding for necessary additional mine inspectors.

(3) Administer the mine safety fund established under IC 22-10-12-16.

Formerly: Acts 1945, c.334, s.11. As amended by P.L.37-1985, SEC.24; P.L.2-1992, SEC.738; P.L.187-2003, SEC.1; P.L.28-2004, SEC.158; P.L.35-2007, SEC.2; P.L.113-2014, SEC.112.

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