State Board of Accounts Examination of Fund

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Sec. 7. The state board of accounts shall examine the status of the fund. Upon the completion of the examination, the examiners performing the duty shall prepare a report of the examination. The report must show:

(1) all necessary, pertinent information;

(2) the balance of the fund's principal at the close of the previous examination;

(3) the amount of interest and principal paid by each county to the state board of finance since the close of the previous examination;

(4) the balance of principal due at the date of closing of the report;

(5) a statement of receipts and disbursements by the state board of finance;

(6) a list of the securities found to be possessed by the state board of finance;

(7) the amount of each security; and

(8) the total amount of all the securities held in custody.

The appropriate officer of the state board of finance shall sign the list described in subdivision (6) in duplicate. The original signed list shall be deposited with the state board of accounts, and the duplicate of the signed list shall be kept in the files of the treasurer of state.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 21-7-4.5-7.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.244. Amended by P.L.181-2015, SEC.42.

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