"Board of Trustees"

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Sec. 9. "Board of trustees":

(1) in a law applicable to Ball State University, refers to the Ball State University board of trustees;

(2) in a law applicable to Indiana University, refers to the Indiana University board of trustees;

(3) in a law applicable to Indiana State University, refers to the Indiana State University board of trustees;

(4) in a law applicable to Ivy Tech Community College, refers to the Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana board of trustees;

(5) in a law applicable to Purdue University, refers to the Purdue University board of trustees;

(6) in a law applicable to the University of Southern Indiana, refers to the University of Southern Indiana board of trustees; and

(7) in a law applicable to Vincennes University, refers to the Vincennes University board of trustees.

[2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: New.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.243. Amended by P.L.3-2008, SEC.128.

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