Members; Terms

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Sec. 2. (a) The board consists of the following members:

(1) The dean of the Indiana University School of Medicine, who serves as an ex officio member of the board. The dean of the Indiana University School of Medicine shall serve as the chairman of the board.

(2) The commissioner of the state department of health, who serves as an ex officio member of the board.

(3) Five (5) members appointed by the governor as follows:

(A) One (1) member appointed by the governor who is a director of medical education of an Indiana hospital not owned or operated by Indiana University.

(B) One (1) member who:

(i) is a hospital administrator in a hospital not owned or operated by Indiana University; and

(ii) is not the hospital administrator for the hospital that employs the member appointed under clause (A).

(C) One (1) member who:

(i) is a citizen of Indiana; and

(ii) is not a physician and not a hospital administrator.

(D) Two (2) members who are physicians holding unlimited licenses to practice medicine in Indiana. The two (2) physicians appointed under this subdivision may not be directors of medical education. One (1) of the members appointed under this subdivision must practice in the specialty of family practice.

(b) The terms of the five (5) members appointed to the board by the governor are for three (3) years beginning January 1 of the year of appointment and continuing until the member's successor is appointed and qualified. If a membership on the board becomes vacant before the expiration of the term, the governor shall appoint a replacement with the same representative status to fill the unexpired term.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-30-2 part.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.285.

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