Policy Components

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Sec. 14. The policies established by the board for intern, residency, and graduate programs must include the following:

(1) A hospital must present an educational plan and a training schedule to the board for each program for which the hospital desires assistance under this chapter at the time the hospital submits its application to the board.

(2) The board must be reasonably certain that the educational program of the hospital will provide a high degree of academic excellence.

(3) A physician, who is not the hospital administrator, must be charged with the primary responsibility of supervising the educational program of the hospital.

(4) One (1) individual must be charged with directing each resident training program in a medical specialty in the hospital in order for the residency to receive funds provided under this chapter. The designated individual must attend one (1):

(A) professional state or national meeting; or

(B) postgraduate course, other than a course provided in the local hospital with which the designated individual is affiliated;

in the individual's specialty each year. The individual should show evidence of progressive competence in the field of medical education.

(5) Each hospital participating in this program must provide a postgraduate education program that must be made available to physicians in private practice in the local area. For each residency training program, there must be at least one (1) postgraduate course in the specialty covered by the residency training program each year.

(6) The board shall periodically review the educational program provided by a participating hospital to assure that the:

(A) program provides a reasonable amount of both formal and practical training; and

(B) formal sessions are presented insofar as practicable as often as scheduled in the educational plan of the hospital.

The review must include at least one (1) visit to each participating hospital by the board or the board's delegated representative each year.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-30-3 part.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.285.

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