Indiana University; Medical School; Power to Accept Certain Gifts

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Sec. 1. The trustees of Indiana University may conduct a medical school in Marion County and may receive gifts of real estate and other property on behalf of the state of Indiana for the maintenance of medical education in Marion County if the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The board of trustees of Indiana University must provide for the conduct of a full four (4) year course in medicine as an integral part of the Indiana University School of Medicine in Marion County.

(2) The board of trustees of Indiana University may not discriminate for or against any school or system of medicine in Indiana University. Each of the schools or systems of medicine recognized by the state on April 5, 1909, must have adequate opportunity to teach the practice of medicine in Indiana university according to the principles advocated by each of the schools or systems of medicine respectively.

(3) The board of trustees of Indiana University must:

(A) provide instruction in the practice of medicine in as thorough a manner as the means at their disposal will permit; and

(B) as nearly as possible provide the same quality of instruction whenever a reasonable demand is made for the same.

(4) Premedical or other collegiate work done in any college or university of Indiana that is recognized by the Indiana state board of education as an eligible institution, must be received and credited in the Indiana University School of Medicine upon the same conditions as work of the same kind, grade, and amount done in the department of liberal arts of Indiana University.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-29-1.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.285.

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