Anatomical Education Program; Administrator's Duties

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Sec. 2. The dean of the Indiana University School of Medicine or the dean's designee shall do the following:

(1) Adopt policies necessary to administer the anatomical education program, including the formulation of standards governing the following:

(A) Acceptance of cadavers under the anatomical education program.

(B) Anatomical health education programs.

(C) Embalming procedures.

(D) Facilities in which cadavers may be stored and examined.

(E) Security.

(F) Use of the cadavers.

(G) Transportation of cadavers.

(H) Maintenance of written records.

(I) Final disposition of cadavers.

(2) Approve for involvement in the anatomical education program of eligible institutions that satisfactorily comply with all standards and policies adopted by the dean or the dean's designee.

(3) Annually review the operation and administration of the anatomical education program, including review of the following aspects of the anatomical education program:

(A) Budget appropriation.

(B) Revenue received.

(C) Costs incurred.

(D) Written records maintained by the program.

(4) Determine the fees eligible institutions must pay for the use of cadavers under the anatomical education program.

(5) Address current issues that directly or indirectly affect the operation of the anatomical education program.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-29.5-6.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.285.

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