Requirements to Receive High School Diploma

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Sec. 3. To complete the requirements for a high school diploma, an individual participating in the program established under this chapter must have:

(1) passed:

(A) the graduation examination given under IC 20-32-4;

(B) an examination for a general educational development diploma;

(C) an examination equivalent to the graduation examination:

(i) administered by the state educational institution; and

(ii) approved by the department of education; or

(D) an examination that demonstrates the student is ready for college level work:

(i) administered by the state educational institution; and

(ii) approved by the department of education; and

(2) completed the course work necessary to meet:

(A) the minimum high school course requirements established by the Indiana state board of education; and

(B) the requirements of the state educational institution.

[Pre-2007 Recodification Citation: 20-12-13-6(c).]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.284. Amended by P.L.3-2008, SEC.153.

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