Courses Included in Statewide Core Transfer Library

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Sec. 5.2. (a) If a dual credit course or concurrent enrollment college course is a course listed by an eligible institution that is a state educational institution in the statewide core transfer library under the principles set forth in IC 21-42-5-4, and a student satisfactorily completes the course, the course must transfer to other state educational institutions under the terms established by the core transfer library.

(b) If a student enrolls in a state educational institution other than the state educational institution at which a course was completed, the other state educational institution:

(1) shall grant credit for successfully completed courses that:

(A) have articulations that are listed in the core transfer library; or

(B) are subject to an articulation agreement; and

(2) may grant credit for other successfully completed courses.

As added by P.L.125-2013, SEC.19.

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