Eligible Institution; Allowable Actions

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Sec. 3.5. (a) An eligible institution that participates in:

(1) an early college program;

(2) a college course taught by a faculty member of an eligible institution; or

(3) a concurrent enrollment college course;

shall, by agreement with a school corporation, take any action described in subsection (b).

(b) The eligible institution shall:

(1) ensure that the content and rigor of a course offered is adequate to warrant providing credit to a student as if the student took the course as a student at the eligible institution, including determining prerequisites, if any, for enrollment in a dual credit course and standards for assessment;

(2) set the criteria for a faculty member, an instructor, or other individual responsible for teaching a course with the:

(A) eligible institution responsible for hiring the personnel to instruct dual credit courses taught by faculty members from the eligible institution; and

(B) school corporation responsible for hiring personnel to instruct concurrent enrollment college courses taught by the high school; and

(3) determine:

(A) the terms and conditions under which a student may be eligible to participate in concurrent enrollment college courses, postsecondary courses taught by faculty members of the eligible institution, and early college programs while attending high school;

(B) with the school corporation, the terms and conditions under which the school corporation will award credit, if any, for a specified course successfully completed by a student through the school corporation; and

(C) the terms and conditions under which the school corporation will award secondary credit, if any, for a specific course successfully completed through the eligible institution.

As added by P.L.125-2013, SEC.16.

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