"Dual Credit Course"

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Sec. 2.5. "Dual credit course" means a course taught by a high school faculty member, a college faculty member, or a college adjunct faculty member that a high school student may take to earn both high school and college credits. Dual credit courses may include any of the following:

(1) A concurrent enrollment college course that is taught:

(A) in a high school classroom;

(B) by a regular high school faculty member who is approved by an eligible institution; and

(C) to high school students who earn high school credit for the course and may also earn college credit through an agreement between an eligible institution and a school corporation under IC 21-43-4-3.5.

(2) An on-campus course, that:

(A) is taught:

(i) on the campus of an eligible institution;

(ii) by a faculty member of the eligible institution; and

(iii) as a regular course offering to postsecondary students attending the eligible institution in which a high school student enrolls and attends; and

(B) is approved by the high school that the high school student attends for secondary credit requirements.

(3) A college course, that is taught:

(A) in a high school classroom;

(B) by a faculty member of an eligible institution; and

(C) to high school students who may earn both secondary and postsecondary credits.

(4) An online college course, that:

(A) is taught:

(i) by a faculty member of an eligible institution; and

(ii) as a regular course offering to postsecondary students attending the eligible institution in which a high school student enrolls and attends; and

(B) is approved by the high school that the high school student attends for secondary credit requirements.

As added by P.L.125-2013, SEC.4.

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