Amount of State Contribution

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Sec. 12. (a) If a state educational institution establishes a retirement benefit system applicable to employees of the institution who otherwise qualify as members of the fund under IC 5-10.4-4-1, the general assembly shall appropriate to a state educational institution that establishes a retirement benefit system to fund the retirement benefit system an amount estimated to be equal to seven and four-tenths percent (7.4%) of the compensation of an employee who:

(1) makes the election described in section 5 of this chapter; and

(2) becomes a participant in the retirement benefit system of the state educational institution for all or a part of the period of the appropriation.

(b) The state educational institution shall:

(1) estimate the sum described in subsection (a); and

(2) submit the estimate to the budget agency and to the commission for higher education for inclusion in the operating appropriation of the state educational institution.

(c) The estimate described in subsection (b) must be submitted at the same time but separately from the request of the state educational institution for an operating appropriation.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 21-6.1-8-3.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.279.

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