Execution of Bonds and Coupons

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Sec. 18. (a) Bonds and coupons appertaining to bonds shall be executed in the name of the issuing state educational institution by the manual or facsimile signatures of the officer or officers of the state educational institution that the board of trustees of the state educational institution designates.

(b) One (1) signature on the obligation must be manual and may be either the signature of one (1) of the officers or of any trustee, fiscal agent, or other fiduciary charged with authenticating the bonds.

(c) The seal or a facsimile of the seal of the state educational institution shall be affixed, imprinted, engraved, or otherwise reproduced on each bond.

(d) If any officer whose manual or facsimile signature appears on any bond or coupon ceases to be an officer before the delivery of the bonds, the officer's signature is valid and sufficient for all purposes as if the officer had remained in office until delivery.

(e) The resolution or indenture under which the bonds are issued may provide for the authentication of the bonds by the trustee, fiscal agent, or other fiduciary designated in the resolution or indenture.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-6-8.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.275.

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