Authority to Collect Building Facilities Fees

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Sec. 1. In order to:

(1) provide funds with which to pay part or all of the cost of any building facility, work, act, or undertaking authorized by IC 21-34-2, IC 21-34-3-1, or IC 21-34-3-3;

(2) pay part or all of the cost of acquiring real or personal property by purchase, lease, sublease, condemnation, trade or exchange, or otherwise as provided in section IC 21-34-3-4;

(3) pay part or all of the cost of improving any of the property;

(4) pay the principal of and interest on bonds issued under this article; or

(5) perform the obligations of any joint-use agreements made under IC 21-34-4;

the board of trustees of a state educational institution may, as necessary, fix, charge, and collect a building facilities fee or fees.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-6-4 part.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.275.

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