Joint Use Agreements; Title to Real and Personal Property

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Sec. 4. A joint use agreement may provide, among other things, that:

(1) title to the real and personal property acquired or to be acquired for the joint use of the board of trustees of each state educational institution that is a party to the joint use agreement may be taken and held in the name of the board of trustees of any one (1) of the state educational institutions, subject to the provisions of the joint use agreement respecting the joint use of the property; or

(2) title to some or all of the real or personal property acquired or to be acquired for the joint use of the board of trustees of each state educational institution that is a party to the joint use agreement may be taken and held jointly in the names of all the boards of trustees of the state educational institutions that are parties to the joint use agreement, as tenants in common, with the divisions of ownership interests that are provided in the joint use agreement and in the documents evidencing the title to the property.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-6-9(b)(3).]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.275.

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