Annuity Gifts; Conditions

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Sec. 4. When any gift, devise, or bequest is made for the purpose of providing an annuity, the gift, devise, or bequest may be accepted by the board of trustees on condition that Vincennes University pay to:

(1) the donor, for the life of the donor, or for a term of years not beyond the lifetime of the donor, as may be agreed upon;

(2) any person or persons named by the donor or testator, in being at the time of the making of the gift, devise, or bequest, for the life or lives of the named person or persons, as may be agreed upon; or

(3) the donor or to any person or persons named by the donor or testator and alive at the time of the gift, devise or bequest, or both, for the life of the donor and the life or lives of the named person or persons, either in succession in a designated order of survivorship or in shares, concurrently, as may be agreed upon;

an annuity on the value of the property at the time the gift, devise or bequest is made. The annuity must not exceed the actual income of the property donated, devised, or bequeathed, unless a written agreement to pay a greater sum than the annuity is executed by the board of trustees of Vincennes University.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 23-13-18-25(b).]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.271.

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