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Sec. 5. An agreement:

(1) must provide for the following:

(A) Its duration.

(B) Its purpose.

(C) The manner of:

(i) financing, staffing, and supplying the joint undertaking; and

(ii) establishing and maintaining a budget for the joint undertaking.

(D) The methods that may be employed to:

(i) accomplish the partial or complete termination of the agreement; and

(ii) dispose of property upon partial or complete termination.

(E) Administration through a separate legal entity.

(F) With respect to a separate legal entity:

(i) the nature;

(ii) the organization;

(iii) the composition; and

(iv) the powers;

of the separate legal entity; and

(2) may provide for any other appropriate matters.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-65-4(a).]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.269.

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