Activities of the Commission

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Sec. 5. ARTICLE IV. ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMISSION. (a) The Commission shall collect data on the long-range effects of the Compact on higher education. By the end of the fourth year from the effective date of the Compact and every two (2) years thereafter, the Commission shall review its accomplishments and make recommendations to the governors and legislatures of the compacting states on the continuance of the Compact.

(b) The Commission shall study issues in higher education of particular concern to the Midwestern region. The Commission shall also study the needs for higher education programs and services in compacting states and the resources for meeting such needs. The Commission shall from time to time prepare reports on such research for presentation to the governors and legislatures of the compacting states and other interested parties. In conducting such studies, the Commission may confer with any national or regional planning body. The Commission may draft and recommend to the governors and legislatures of the various compacting states suggested legislation dealing with problems of higher education.

(c) The Commission shall study the need for provision of adequate programs and services in higher education, such as undergraduate, graduate, or professional student exchanges in the region. If a need for exchange in a field is apparent, the Commission may enter into such agreements with any higher education institution and with any of the compacting states to provide programs and services in higher education for the citizens of the respective compacting states. The Commission shall, after negotiations with interested institutions and the compacting states, determine the costs of providing the programs and services in higher education for use in its agreements. The contracting states shall contribute the funds not otherwise provided, as determined by the Commission, for carrying out the agreements. The Commission may also serve as the administrative and fiscal agent in carrying out agreements for higher education programs and services.

(d) The Commission shall serve as a clearinghouse on information regarding higher education activities among institutions and agencies.

(e) In addition to the activities of the Commission previously noted, the Commission may provide services and research in other areas of regional concern.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-73-6.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.269.

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