Failure to Make Transfer; Notice; Auditor of State to Issue Warrant; Amount of Warrant

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Sec. 9. This section applies if the University of Southern Indiana board of trustees fails to make a transfer required by an agreement described in section 5(d) of this chapter or required by section 6 or 7 of this chapter, when due, to the Indiana State University board of trustees. Upon being notified that the University of Southern Indiana board of trustees has failed to make a transfer described by this section, the auditor of state shall issue a warrant to the Indiana State University board of trustees that is equal to the amount of payment due from the University of Southern Indiana board of trustees to the Indiana State University board of trustees. The amount of the warrant shall be paid by the treasurer of state under IC 4-8.1-2 at the time of its presentation to the extent that the amount of the warrant does not exceed the undistributed amounts appropriated by the general assembly to the University of Southern Indiana board of trustees in that fiscal year. To the extent that the warrant exceeds the amount of undistributed appropriations to the University of Southern Indiana board of trustees, the treasurer of state shall continue to be obligated to pay the excess in future fiscal years from amounts appropriated to the University of Southern Indiana board of trustees in subsequent fiscal years. The amount paid by the treasurer of state under this section in any fiscal year shall be deducted from the amount distributable to the University of Southern Indiana board of trustees from the affected appropriation.

As added by P.L.220-2011, SEC.356.

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