Annual Report to Legislature; State Educational Institution Information

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Sec. 9. (a) In collaboration with each state educational institution's institutional research or strategic planning department, the commission shall develop an annual report to the general assembly that includes the following information:

(1) Faculty activities related to the mission of the state educational institution, including teaching, course grading practices, research, scholarship, outreach, and professional services.

(2) Average and median faculty and administrator salaries.

(3) Median grade point averages for all students for the fall and spring semesters.

(4) Median grade point averages for all graduating seniors.

(5) Other information the commission considers necessary.

The information in the report must include undergraduate student information and faculty data by academic department, college, or university.

(b) A state educational institution shall provide the information set forth in subsection (a) in the form required by the commission.

(c) The report to the general assembly under subsection (a) must be in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6.

As added by P.L.177-2013, SEC.3.

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