Undergraduate Degree Programs; Number of Credit Hours

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Sec. 8. (a) Each state educational institution shall review each undergraduate degree program offered by the state educational institution to determine the number of credit hours required for the degree and report the results to the commission. If a degree program requires more than:

(1) sixty (60) credit hours for an associate degree; or

(2) one hundred twenty (120) credit hours for a baccalaureate degree;

the state educational institution must provide justification to the commission in the report for the additional credit hours required.

(b) In providing justification under subsection (a):

(1) if the state educational institution documents that the additional credit hours are required by:

(A) specific program standards established by external accreditation bodies; or

(B) occupational certification or licensure;

the commission shall accept the justification; and

(2) if the state educational institution documents that the additional credit hours are related to:

(A) employer requirements; or

(B) enhanced program quality and content;

the commission may accept the justification.

(c) The commission shall require a review and report of the credit hours required for degree programs under this section at least every three (3) years.

(d) A proposal submitted to the commission under section 5 of this chapter must provide justification for a degree that requires more than:

(1) sixty (60) credit hours for an associate degree; or

(2) one hundred twenty (120) credit hours for a baccalaureate degree.

As added by P.L.101-2012, SEC.2.

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