Powers of Commission; Program Review; Recommendations

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Sec. 2. (a) The commission may:

(1) review all programs of any state educational institution, regardless of the source of funding; and

(2) make recommendations to the board of trustees of the state educational institution, the governor, and the general assembly concerning the funding and the disposition of the programs.

(b) The commission, in consultation with the department of workforce development, shall develop and recommend funding amounts and performance metrics that reward workforce training programs under IC 21-41-5-3(b) and that are not included in the postsecondary performance funding formula. Ivy Tech Community College shall assist the commission, and the department of workforce development shall provide the data necessary for the commission to develop these funding amounts and performance metrics. Funding amounts and performance metrics recommended under this subsection must be aligned with the workforce needs and training and education needs identified in the occupational demand report prepared by the department of workforce development under IC 22-4.1-4-10. This subsection expires July 1, 2020.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-0.5-8(4) part.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.259. Amended by P.L.141-2016, SEC.5.

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