Reports to Governor and General Assembly

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Sec. 9. (a) The commission shall annually prepare a report that includes the following:

(1) Information regarding school corporations and charter schools that participate in the pilot program.

(2) The annual retention rate of teachers employed by a school corporation or charter school who completed the school corporation's or charter school's teacher residency program within the immediately preceding five (5) years.

(3) The number of program participants who were not employed by a school corporation or charter school after completing the school corporation's or charter school's teacher residency program.

(4) The number of teachers who completed a teacher residency program under this chapter in the immediately preceding five (5) years and received, based on a staff performance evaluation for the year, a rating of:

(A) highly effective;

(B) effective;

(C) improvement necessary; or

(D) ineffective.

The commission shall provide the total number of teachers described in this subdivision who received each rating listed in clauses (A) through (D).

(5) The number of teachers who:

(A) completed a teacher residency program under this chapter in the immediately preceding five (5) years; and

(B) took leadership roles, as determined by the commission, during their employment with a school corporation or charter school in Indiana.

(b) Not later than July 1 of each year, the commission shall submit the report described in subsection (a) to the following:

(1) The governor.

(2) The general assembly in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6.

As added by P.L.74-2019, SEC.1.

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