Application for Grants; Requirements

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Sec. 6. The commission may award grants under the pilot program to an applicant that meets the following requirements:

(1) The applicant is a school corporation or charter school that has partnered with one (1) approved postsecondary educational institution to establish and implement a teacher residency program.

(2) The applicant submits a teacher residency plan that:

(A) establishes a teacher residency program in which:

(i) program participants receive teacher training under the teacher residency program for a one (1) year period; and

(ii) program participants and teachers who act as mentors to program participants under the teacher residency program receive stipends;

(B) includes the name and contact information of the approved postsecondary educational institution with which the school corporation or charter school has partnered; and

(C) includes any other information regarding the teacher residency program that is required by the commission.

(3) Any other requirements established by the commission.

As added by P.L.74-2019, SEC.1.

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