Governing Board; Regulations; Penalties

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Sec. 7. (a) This section does not limit or restrict the powers of any other governmental authority having jurisdiction over public streets, roads, alleys, or ways.

(b) The governing board of the educational institution may regulate the traffic of:

(1) motor vehicles;

(2) bicycles;

(3) other vehicles; and

(4) pedestrians;

on all streets, roads, paths, and grounds of real property owned, used, occupied, or controlled by the educational institution.

(c) Regulations adopted by the governing board applicable to traffic may include the following provisions:

(1) Provisions governing the:

(A) registration;

(B) speed;

(C) operation;

(D) parking; and

(E) times, places, and manner of use;

of motor vehicles, bicycles, and other vehicles.

(2) Provisions prescribing penalties for the violation of regulations. Penalties may include the:

(A) imposition of reasonable charges;

(B) removal and impounding (at the expense of the violator) of vehicles that are operated or parked in violation of regulations; and

(C) denial of permission to operate vehicles on the property of the educational institution.

(3) Provisions establishing reasonable charges and fees for the registration of vehicles and for the use of parking spaces or facilities owned or occupied by the institution.

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-3.5-3 part.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.258.

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