Scholarship Criteria

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Sec. 4. Before providing a scholarship to a student, the commission, in coordination with the Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine, must find that the applicant satisfies all the following conditions:

(1) The applicant is and remains an Indiana resident or the applicant is a nonresident of Indiana who intends to remain in Indiana. The commission shall give a preference to Indiana residents when awarding a scholarship.

(2) The applicant is enrolled at the Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine in a program that will prepare the applicant to provide primary care as a licensed physician.

(3) If the applicant is receiving a scholarship for the second through fourth year of the program, the applicant successfully completed the academic work required for the previous school year.

(4) The applicant remains in good standing with the Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine program.

(5) The applicant agrees to execute a written primary care practice agreement with the commission as required by section 6 of this chapter.

As added by P.L.205-2013, SEC.219. Amended by P.L.191-2017, SEC.7; P.L.217-2017, SEC.144.

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