Foster Care Children; Caseworker to Provide Information

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Sec. 14. (a) This section applies to a student described in section 5(b) of this chapter.

(b) A caseworker (as defined in IC 31-9-2-11) shall provide each student to whom the caseworker is assigned information concerning the program at the appropriate time for the student to receive the information, shall explain the program to the student, and shall provide the student with information concerning:

(1) Pell grants;

(2) Chafee grants;

(3) federal supplemental grants;

(4) the Free Application for Federal Student Aid;

(5) individual development accounts (as described under IC 4-4-28); and

(6) the commission for higher education's programs under IC 21-18.5-3-1.

(c) A student who receives information under this section shall sign a written acknowledgment that the student received the information. The written acknowledgment must be placed in the student's case file.

As added by P.L.168-2007, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.100-2009, SEC.2; P.L.39-2010, SEC.1; P.L.107-2012, SEC.27.

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