Amount of Scholarship

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Sec. 10. (a) This section applies to a student who qualifies for a scholarship under section 6 or 7 of this chapter, if the student initially enrolls in the program before July 1, 2011.

(b) The amount of a scholarship is equal to the lowest of the following amounts:

(1) If the scholarship applicant attends an eligible institution that is a state educational institution and:

(A) receives no other financial assistance specifically designated for educational costs, a full tuition scholarship to the state educational institution; or

(B) receives other financial assistance specifically designated for educational costs, the balance required to attend the state educational institution, not to exceed the amount described in clause (A).

(2) If the scholarship applicant attends an eligible institution that is private and:

(A) receives no other financial assistance specifically designated for educational costs, an average of the full tuition scholarship amounts of all state educational institutions not including Ivy Tech Community College; or

(B) receives other financial assistance specifically designated for educational costs, the balance required to attend the college or university not to exceed the amount described in clause (A).

(3) If the scholarship applicant attends an eligible institution that is a postsecondary credit bearing proprietary educational institution and:

(A) receives no other financial assistance specifically designated for educational costs, the lesser of:

(i) the full tuition scholarship amounts of Ivy Tech Community College; or

(ii) the actual tuition and regularly assessed fees of the eligible institution; or

(B) receives other financial assistance specifically designated for educational costs, the balance required to attend the eligible institution, not to exceed the amount described in clause (A).

[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-70-10(a) part.]

As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.253. Amended by P.L.169-2011, SEC.10; P.L.107-2012, SEC.24.

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