Powers; Township Trustee; Issuance of Warrants or Bonds

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Sec. 2. (a) The board may authorize the trustee to issue township warrants or bonds to pay for the building or the proportional cost of it. The warrants or bonds:

(1) may run for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) years;

(2) may bear interest at any rate; and

(3) shall be sold for not less than par.

The township trustee, before issuing the warrants or bonds, shall place a notice in accordance with IC 5-3-1-4 in at least one (1) appropriate publication announcing the sale of the bonds in at least one (1) issue a week for three (3) weeks. The notice must comply with IC 5-3-1 and must set forth the amount of bonds offered, the denomination, the period to run, the rate of interest, and the date, place, and time of selling. The township board shall attend the bond sale and must concur in the sale before the bonds are sold.

(b) The board shall annually levy sufficient taxes each year to pay at least one-fifteenth (1/15) of the warrants or bonds, including interest, and the trustee shall apply the annual tax to the payment of the warrants or bonds each year.

(c) A debt of the township may not be created except by the township board in the manner specified in this section. The board may bring an action in the name of the state against the bond of a trustee to recover for the use of the township funds expended in the unauthorized payment of a debt. The board may appropriate and the township trustee shall pay from township funds a reasonable sum for attorney's fees for this purpose.

(d) If a taxpayer serves the board with a written demand that the board bring an action as described in subsection (c), and after thirty (30) days the board has not brought an action, a taxpayer may bring an action to recover for the use of the township funds expended in the unauthorized payment of a debt. An action brought under this subsection shall be brought in the name of the state.

[Pre-2006 Recodification Citation: 21-2-3.1-2.]

As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.171. Amended by P.L.147-2016, SEC.8.

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