Reporting Student Outcomes

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Sec. 18. The governor's workforce cabinet shall prescribe a standard form to be used by the industry collaboration organization to report student outcomes as required under section 17(a)(2) of this chapter, including at least the following information for the students participating in the approved activities described in section 10 of this chapter:

(1) The number, geographic region, and demographic breakdown of students who completed a program or activity funded in whole or in part by state grant money under this chapter, including:

(A) an industry recognized apprenticeship program;

(B) an internship or equivalent work based learning experience;

(C) an industry recognized certification or credential; or

(D) a postsecondary certificate or degree.

(2) The industry sectors and businesses supported by the approved activities.

(3) The number and names of school corporations and postsecondary institutions supporting the delivery of the approved activities.

As added by P.L.143-2019, SEC.29.

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