Reporting Requirements

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Sec. 13. (a) An industry collaboration organization certified under this chapter must publicly report to the governor's workforce cabinet by December 1 of each year the following information regarding the industry collaboration organization's grants awarded in the previous school year:

(1) The name and address of the industry collaboration organization.

(2) The total number and total dollar amount of contributions received during the previous school year.

(3) The:

(A) total number and total dollar amount of all grants awarded during the previous school year;

(B) total number and total dollar amount of grants awarded to pay the qualifying educational expenses for students to attend an eligible training program;

(C) total number and total dollar amount of grants awarded to each school; and

(D) total number and total dollar amount of other expenses.

The report must be certified under penalties of perjury by the executive director of the industry collaboration organization.

(b) An industry collaboration organization certified under this chapter shall contract with an independent certified public accountant for an annual financial audit of the industry collaboration organization. The industry collaboration organization must provide a copy of the annual financial audit to the governor's workforce cabinet and must make the annual financial audit available to a member of the public upon request.

As added by P.L.143-2019, SEC.29.

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