Lessor Corporation; Submission of Preliminary Plans

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Sec. 6. (a) A lessor corporation proposing to build a school building or buildings must submit preliminary plans, specifications, and estimates for the building or buildings to the lessee or lessees before the execution of the lease. Final plans and specifications must be submitted to the state department of health, state fire marshal, and other agencies designated by law to pass on plans and specifications for school buildings. The final plans and specifications must be approved by those agencies in writing and by the lessee or lessees before the construction of the school building or school buildings.

(b) IC 4-21.5 does not apply to the formulation, issuance, or administrative review of an approval by an agency under subsection (a). However, IC 4-21.5 does apply to the judicial review and civil enforcement of an approval by an agency under subsection (a).

[Pre-2006 Recodification Citation: 21-5-12-4.]

As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.170.

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