Virtual Instruction for 2020.

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Sec. 33. (a) This subsection applies only for the purposes of determining a school corporation's basic tuition support under IC 20-43-6-3 using the 2020 fall count of ADM as described in IC 20-43-4-9(a). "Virtual instruction" means instruction that is provided in an interactive learning environment created through technology in which the student is separated from a teacher by time or space, or both. However, the term does not include instruction that is provided to a student that meets both of the following requirements:

(1) The student was not enrolled in a:

(A) virtual education program (as defined in IC 20-19-9-1);

(B) dedicated virtual education school; or

(C) virtual charter school (as defined in IC 20-24-1-10);

on the date fixed in February 2020 by the state board for a count of students under IC 20-43-4-3.

(2) The student is enrolled in a school corporation in which fewer than one hundred percent (100%) of the students that were enrolled in that school corporation on the date fixed in February 2020 by the state board for a count of students under IC 20-43-4-3 were receiving instruction in an interactive learning environment created through technology in which the student for whom the instruction is being provided is separated from a teacher by time or space, or both.

(b) This subsection applies only for the purposes of determining a school corporation's basic tuition support under IC 20-43-6-3 using the 2021 spring count of ADM as described in IC 20-43-4-9(a). "Virtual instruction" means instruction that is provided in an interactive learning environment created through technology in which the student is separated from a teacher by time or space, or both. However, the term does not include instruction that is provided to a student who meets the following requirements:

(1) The student was not enrolled in a:

(A) virtual education program (as defined in IC 20-19-9-1);

(B) dedicated virtual education school; or

(C) virtual charter school;

on the date fixed in February 2020 by the state board for a count of students under IC 20-43-4-3.

(2) The student was not enrolled in a:

(A) dedicated virtual education school; or

(B) virtual charter school;

on the date fixed in February 2021 by the state board for a count of students under IC 20-43-4-3.

(c) This section expires July 1, 2021.

As added by P.L.3-2021, SEC.1.

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