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Sec. 1. This article expires June 30, 2023.

[Pre-2006 Recodification Citations: 21-1-30-10; 21-3-1.7-10; 21-3-2.1-10; 21-3-12-12.]

As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.166. Amended by P.L.234-2007, SEC.232; P.L.182-2009(ss), SEC.323; P.L.229-2011, SEC.199; P.L.144-2012, SEC.2; P.L.205-2013, SEC.259; P.L.213-2015, SEC.203; P.L.217-2017, SEC.107; P.L.108-2019, SEC.214; P.L.165-2021, SEC.158.

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